What are we going to do about it, indeed. Keep cash under the mattress and passports renewed, because the freedom to travel still exists but might not for long. That's all I can think of right now.
I've lived among men all of my life. I refuse to believe they are irredeemably sexist even though I must recognise some may be beyond reaching out to.
I've lived among white people all of my life. I refuse to believe they are irredeemably racist even though I recognise some may be beyond reaching out to.
I've read this today:
"Early data suggest that some of these talking points are just that: talk. They’re all variations of a blame-the-voter mindset and are no substitute for material analysis. There’s still a lot of parsing to do.
The most solid data point we have right now is that turnout overall is probably down from 2020 – for both parties. Turnout last time was over 155 million people; this time it may not even hit 140 million.
Trump is on track to be about two million votes below his losing total in the last election. The big gap, though, comes on the Democratic side. It appears Harris may end up 13 to 14 million votes below the total Biden racked up in 2020. Even in the blue states, the Democratic tally was significantly down, in some states by double digits.
Rather than to succumb to either essentialist or monolithical explanations of the election result let us follow the advice at the end and "find out why". Some answers will have been known to us long before now.
Women and ethnic minorities are tired of being taken for granted and of seeing our issues superficially used by sectors of those in power to pretend to significant differences between them and their opponents among themselves, to give but two examples.
We also know that resistance is out there but it is sabotaged by movement vehicles which are often, at best, naive ventures or, at worst, deliberate diversions away from demands for policy change - an example, in this very election, was the Uncommitted movement's acceptance of funding from a Dem Pac which required it to never fully detract from Harris even though she literally silenced opponents of Israel's genocidal policy by raising her hand and saying "I'm speaking." - in other words, precisely the kind of misstep which discredits the left as whole.
We know, as well, that Dems and their donors play dangerous games of their own like these https://apnews.com/article/wisconsin-senate-election-democrats-far-right-4e473639f23c257096684d83146d6e1f and convincing Harris that voters would somehow forget Cheney's support of Trump throughout his presidency and undersign her endorsement of Harris (that piece of foolishness told a story of Harris' own lack of judgement at a time when Trump is successfully, somehow, passing himself as a candidate for peace) really wasn't the best of ideas.
Furthermore, we know that the Dems have long ceased to even resort to bribing voters of more culturally conservative backgrounds into voting for them, as they had successfully done in decades past, by offering more in the economic stakes.
I also believe that in the next few months we'll see a repeat of the general blame ping-pong game we saw after 2016 and have seen throughout other liberal democracies electoral lurches toward the right only to arrive at the same tedious conclusion - "It's the economy, stupid!".
So, dear Katherine, let us keep our heads and focus on obtaining the info we'll need to help build on resistance we already have and we know we do have it not just because it was, despite misgivings about Harris, active in the getting the vote out for her and because among so many who refused to vote for Trump are many who are finally realising what many of us have known for a long time: it's not the people who vote for or somehow choose fascism; fascism is pushed onto us all and not by fascists alone.
Or maybe it's because the Democratic candidate, a woman, didn't even have the courtesy to ask men for their vote, never mind talk about any of their concerns - like the fact that they are four times as likely as women to die from suicide or a drug overdose or to be homeless., or that they are far less likely to get a college degree.
What are we going to do about it, indeed. Keep cash under the mattress and passports renewed, because the freedom to travel still exists but might not for long. That's all I can think of right now.
Kamala was wrong to court Republicans. She was wrong on Gaza and the arms embargo.
Dear Katherine,
I've lived among men all of my life. I refuse to believe they are irredeemably sexist even though I must recognise some may be beyond reaching out to.
I've lived among white people all of my life. I refuse to believe they are irredeemably racist even though I recognise some may be beyond reaching out to.
I've read this today:
"Early data suggest that some of these talking points are just that: talk. They’re all variations of a blame-the-voter mindset and are no substitute for material analysis. There’s still a lot of parsing to do.
The most solid data point we have right now is that turnout overall is probably down from 2020 – for both parties. Turnout last time was over 155 million people; this time it may not even hit 140 million.
Trump is on track to be about two million votes below his losing total in the last election. The big gap, though, comes on the Democratic side. It appears Harris may end up 13 to 14 million votes below the total Biden racked up in 2020. Even in the blue states, the Democratic tally was significantly down, in some states by double digits.
But with Trump also down, the evidence for a massive swing to the right on the part of voters starts to look thin. Instead, millions of people who voted last time may have stayed home in 2024. We need to find out why." -- https://peoplesworld.org/article/the-morning-after-a-marxist-analysis-of-the-trump-victory/
Rather than to succumb to either essentialist or monolithical explanations of the election result let us follow the advice at the end and "find out why". Some answers will have been known to us long before now.
Women and ethnic minorities are tired of being taken for granted and of seeing our issues superficially used by sectors of those in power to pretend to significant differences between them and their opponents among themselves, to give but two examples.
We also know that resistance is out there but it is sabotaged by movement vehicles which are often, at best, naive ventures or, at worst, deliberate diversions away from demands for policy change - an example, in this very election, was the Uncommitted movement's acceptance of funding from a Dem Pac which required it to never fully detract from Harris even though she literally silenced opponents of Israel's genocidal policy by raising her hand and saying "I'm speaking." - in other words, precisely the kind of misstep which discredits the left as whole.
We know, as well, that Dems and their donors play dangerous games of their own like these https://apnews.com/article/wisconsin-senate-election-democrats-far-right-4e473639f23c257096684d83146d6e1f and convincing Harris that voters would somehow forget Cheney's support of Trump throughout his presidency and undersign her endorsement of Harris (that piece of foolishness told a story of Harris' own lack of judgement at a time when Trump is successfully, somehow, passing himself as a candidate for peace) really wasn't the best of ideas.
Furthermore, we know that the Dems have long ceased to even resort to bribing voters of more culturally conservative backgrounds into voting for them, as they had successfully done in decades past, by offering more in the economic stakes.
I also believe that in the next few months we'll see a repeat of the general blame ping-pong game we saw after 2016 and have seen throughout other liberal democracies electoral lurches toward the right only to arrive at the same tedious conclusion - "It's the economy, stupid!".
So, dear Katherine, let us keep our heads and focus on obtaining the info we'll need to help build on resistance we already have and we know we do have it not just because it was, despite misgivings about Harris, active in the getting the vote out for her and because among so many who refused to vote for Trump are many who are finally realising what many of us have known for a long time: it's not the people who vote for or somehow choose fascism; fascism is pushed onto us all and not by fascists alone.
Or maybe it's because the Democratic candidate, a woman, didn't even have the courtesy to ask men for their vote, never mind talk about any of their concerns - like the fact that they are four times as likely as women to die from suicide or a drug overdose or to be homeless., or that they are far less likely to get a college degree.