Interview with Mariah Burton Nelson, star basketball player at Stanford in the 1970s, lifelong feminist, women’s sports advocate, author, and artist now with the Women’s Sports Policy Working Group on the importance of the female category in sport.
Mariah’s Substack
Mariah’s Artwork - including the goddess drawing with Megan Rapinoe that I mentioned in the podcast.
Women’s Sports Policy Working Group
Sport-by-Sport Listing of US & International Policies Governing Who Can Compete in the Female Category
The Connecticut high school trans-Identified males discussed at 24:56 are Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller.
There was a famous case in Connecticut of these two trans people who competed on the girls team. And somebody calculated all the missed opportunities for girls because those two boys competed over, I think it was a three-year high school season. And it was 278 girls lost some sort of opportunity or medal just because those two boys were competing and winning a lot.
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