In this interview, Beaver talks about the Are You Asking Why collective, for which she is a spokeswoman, reading second-wave feminist texts, and the value of consciousness-raising for detransitioning and re-identifying women. (First of several podcasts to discuss contemporary consciousness-raising.)
Beaver’s youtube channel where she reads and discusses second-wave feminist literature:
Are You Asking Why was organized to oppose collusion with the right wing, and to question why the right wing is using detransitioners as a wedge issue.
“We do not consent to our stories being co-opted by an anti-LGBT and anti-woman agenda.”
From the interview:
Cass Review (mentioned about 9:08)
Refers to a four-year investigation directed by Hilary Cass, and commissioned by NHS England, ”to make recommendations on how to improve… gender identity services, and ensure that children and young people who are questioning their gender identity or experiencing gender dysphoria receive a high standard of care, that meets their needs, is safe, holistic and effective.”
Detransition: Beyond Before and After, by Max Robinson
You Told Me You Were Different: An Anthology of Harm, edited by Kitty Robinson
Lego girl:
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