I read up to the point you labelled KD and KJK as 'far right'. You are wrong. These are women who are simply indiscriminate. There is a difference. At that point you lost all credibility. Because you lost credibility, so did your argument. I have no idea what you wrote after that because I don't have the stamina to plough through text which is so compromised. Start again.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Katherine M Acosta

This is one of the best articles I’ve seen on this topic. I learned a lot and will be doing more reading on the history. I just read Frederick Douglass’s first-hand account of refusing to get a beating from his owner. Fighting back-physically-changed his soul from that of a slave to that of a man

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I’m not clear what alternate strategy you are recommending in this situation. How do we defend the movement from physical assault? i think specific proposals would be helpful. The most important thing is growing the movement and getting more women to participate. It’s hard to do that if there’s a good chance of ending up in the ER. Or worse.

I don’t think there is anything “right wing” about the banner nor that the women were attacked because they took money from Right wing groups (even though ai disagree with that). Anyone who is visibly gender critical or asserts that sex exists & women exist as a sex class will receive the same kind of attacks. Though i am far Left, I have been called a fascist and bigot multiple times and lost my job for some of these reasons.

I don’t have easy answers. But it is time to start shaming the Left for tolerating this antiwoman violence in the name of “trans rights” and “antifascism”. These thugs should be disowned by all progressive people, and feminists welcomed in.

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Thanks for this article and for not cherry picking the civil rights movement and NVDA etc like Kara and Lierre seem to loooove to do.

This is America 🇺🇸 we have the right to defend ourselves. We should not allow ourselves to be doormats. Women are raped and murdered every day and no one gives a fuck.

We are responsible for our safety no one is coming to save us. We have the right to bear arms and we should exercise that right. Join local gun clubs and take gun safety classes. Being prepared is one of the best things my mentor has taught me. That and practice makes perfect. Don’t Panic and Be Prepared.

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Being gender critical is NOT "far right" or "alt right"

When liberal media is completely captured and ONLY conservative -leaning platforms have dared to give the issue ANY coverage, it's libelous to describe WDI or any members as "right-wing"

This issue affects ALL women and ALL parents of any political stripe, and it affects ALL children, particularly autistic spectrum kids.

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Public service, this! Thank you! I'm just reading around threads on this event and its fallout. Kind of overwhelming.

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